Summit of Survival: Tobi’s Journey Beyond Melanoma

In this episode, we are joined by Tobi Sample, a melanoma survivor, to share an extraordinary and inspiring story. Today, prepare to be moved and inspired as we delve into Tobi’s miraculous journey of survival against melanoma.
Tobi, ten years ago, faced a diagnosis that would have halted many in their tracks. But not Tobi. To celebrate her 10th anniversary of No Evidence of Disease, she did something most of us only dream of – she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.
Tobi Sample, Stage IV Melanoma Survivor
Tobi Sample was first diagnosed with Stage IIIB melanoma in 2008. Five years later, in 2013, the cancer returned as Stage IV, spreading to her spine, humerus, clavicle, sacrum, rib, and lung. She now faced an overwhelming and formidable fight. That summer, her strength dwindled to the point where she couldn’t even get out of bed. In a fortunate turn of events, her husband came across a promising clinical trial at UC Chapel, and Tobi was accepted. For the next year, she courageously made the journey from southern Indiana to North Carolina every three weeks. Today, nearly a decade later, she remains in remission with no trace of the disease—a testament to her resilience and the power of hope.
A lifelong athlete, Sample was resolute in her desire to reclaim her active lifestyle. Gradually, she regained her strength, participating in half-marathons and even training for a 2022 hike up Mount Kilimanjaro.
In 2019, Tobi reached out to AIM at Melanoma, driven to initiate a walk in the Louisville area to spread awareness and raise funds for research. She believes firmly, “Until there’s a cure, there’s more that needs to be done.”
Tobi feels immensely grateful for the chance to watch her children mature into adults, now 26 and 23, cherishing the life she fought so hard to protect.
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