Take Action Against Indoor Tanning

Take Action Against Indoor Tanning
Indoor tanning before 18 years of age increases one’s risk of melanoma by 85% and the risk increases with each use. Despite the serious health risks associated with indoor tanning, the popularity of these devices remains high among our youth. It is why AIM at Melanoma, since 2005, has been calling on lawmakers throughout the country to prohibit minors from using these dangerous devices. Learn more about what AIM has done to advocate for indoor tanning legislation.
Your Voice Matters
Your story can be a powerful tool. It is one of the best ways to inform legislators about the importance of banning minors from these devices and moving them to action. All tanning is skin damage, and even one single tanning session drastically increases a young person’s risk of developing melanoma.
If you would like to help us in our fight to ban indoor tanning for minors under 18, share your story with us. We will be using it as we meet with legislators, prepare materials for the media, at public events, and on social media. When writing your story, you can include the reasons you, or your loved one, used a tanning device, how the melanoma diagnosis affected your life, and how an under 18 ban on tanning devices will protect our youth.
Please share your story below using the online form. Also, please include a photo of yourself that we can post with your story.
Thank you for your support!