Stanford Health Care | Saturday, September 7, 2024

This virtual and in-person symposium is presented by AIM at Melanoma and Stanford Health Care and aims to educate and empower patients and caregivers affected by melanoma.
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from leading experts in the field of melanoma research and treatment, as well as connect with others who share similar experiences. This event is open to patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and anyone interested in learning more about melanoma.
Date: Saturday, September 7, 2004
Presenters & Topics
Wipe out Melanoma – California: Community Engagement Efforts to Speed Detection
Susan Swetter, MD
Professor, Dermatology
Stanford University School of Medicine;
Co-Director, Pigmented Lesion and Melanoma Program
Physician Co- Leader, Cancer Care Program in Cutaneous Oncology
Stanford Cancer Institute
Realities of Artificial Intelligence for Early Melanoma Detection
Albert Chiou, MD, MBA
Clinical Associate Professor of Dermatology
Stanford University School of Medicine;
Faculty Champion for Clinical Research Transformation;
Director, Skin Innovation and Interventional Research Group (SIIRG)
Stanford Cancer Institute
Virtual/Augmented Reality for Primary Prevention Education in Adolescents
Dawn Siegel, MD
Clinical Professor of Dermatology, and by Courtesy, Pediatrics
Stanford University School of Medicine;
Director of the PHACE Syndrome Clinic
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital/Stanford Children’s Health
The Role of Genetics in Melanoma: A Family Perspective
Pauline Funchain, MD
Associate Professor, Medicine/ Oncology,
Stanford University School of Medicine;
Co-Director, Skin Cancer Genomics Program
Co-leader Immune Related Toxicity Working Group
Stanford Cancer Institute
Adjuvant Surgery in Melanoma: New Approaches to Upfront Therapy
Amanda Kirane, MD, PhD-c
Assistant Professor, Surgery/Surgical Oncology
Stanford University School of Medicine;
Director, Melanoma & Cutaneous Surgical Oncology
Stanford Cancer Institute
TIL Therapy for Advanced Melanoma
Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD (Co-moderator)
Assistant Professor, Medicine/Oncology,
Stanford University School of Medicine;
Co-Director, Pigmented Lesion and Melanoma Program
Director, Advanced Melanoma Program
Director, Solid Tumor Cellular Therapy
Leader, Melanoma & Cutaneous Oncology Clinical Research Group
Stanford Cancer Institute
What Can We Learn From Melanomas Unrelated to Sun Exposure?
Alexander Shoushtari, MD
Associate Attending Physician, Melanoma Service
Member, Cellular Therapy Service
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center