Sarah Cannon | Sept. 30

Sarah Cannon

Sarah Cannon, the Cancer Institute of HCA Healthcare, offers integrated cancer treatments with convenient access to cutting-edge therapies for those facing cancer in communities across the United States and the United Kingdom. Through its services, Sarah Cannon is providing state-of-the-art cancer care close to home for hundreds of thousands of patients, a number unmatched by any single cancer center.

Date: Thursday – September 30, 2021
Time:  5:30 PM (ET)| 4:30 PM (CT) | 3:30 PM (MT) | 2:30 PM (PT)
(double-check your local time with this time zone converter)
Location:  This is a virtual, live presentation

Presenters & Topics

5:30 PM ET

Opening Remarks
Samantha Guild
AIM at Melanoma Foundation

5:35 PM ET

Welcome and Introductions
Meredith McKean, M.D., MPH
Associate Director
Melanoma & Skin Cancer Research
Sarah Cannon

5:40 PM ET

Clinical Trials, What Are They & How Do I Participate?
Gerald Falchook, M.D.
Director, Drug Development
Sarah Cannon Research Institute at HealthONE

6:00 PM ET

Personalizing Melanoma Treatment
for Stage III and Stage IV Patients
Andrew McKenzie, Ph.D.
Director, Personalized Medicine
Sarah Cannon

6:20 PM ET

6:30 PM ET

Treatment Options for Stage III and IV Melanoma Q&A
Moderated by Meredith McKean, M.D., MPH

  • Gerald Falchook, MD, Director, Drug Development, Sarah Cannon Research Institute at HealthONE
  • Andrew McKenzie, Ph.D., Director, Personalized Medicine, Sarah Cannon
  • Richard Geer, MD, Physician-in-Chief, Surgical Oncology, Sarah Cannon
  • Andrew Kennedy, MD, Physician-in-Chief, Radiation Oncology, Sarah Cannon

6:55 PM ET

Coping with Cancer
Maureen Sanger, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Tennessee Oncology

7:10 PM ET

Facilitated by Maureen Sanger, Ph.D.