Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center | May 15

Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center

Founded in 1945, Kaiser Permanente is recognized as one of America’s leading health care providers and not-for-profit health plans. They currently serve 12.4 million members in 8 states and the District of Columbia.

Care for members and patients is focused on their total health and guided by their personal Permanente Medical Group physicians, specialists, and team of caregivers. Expert and caring medical teams are empowered and supported by industry-leading technology advances and tools for health promotion, disease prevention, state-of-the-art care delivery, and world-class chronic disease management.

Kaiser Permanente exists to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve.

Date: Saturday – May 15, 2021
Time:  12:00 PM (EST) | 11:00 AM (CST) | 10:00 AM (MST) | 9:00 AM (PST)
(double-check your local time with this time zone converter)
Location:  This is a virtual, live presentation

Presenters & Topics

9:00 AM PST

Welcome and Introductions
Michael A. Neri Jr., MD,  Medical Director
Sherry Xin Hsu, MD, Hematology & Oncology Specialist
Kaiser Permanente (Riverside Medical Center)

9:10 AM PST

Surgical Management of Early Stage Disease
Scott Baldwin, MD
Surgical Oncologist
Kaiser Permanente (Riverside Medical Center)

9:20 AM PST

T-VEC Treatment For Melanoma
Sherry Xin Hsu, MD
Hematology & Oncology Specialist
Kaiser Permanente (Riverside Medical Center)

9:30 AM PST

Melanoma Clinical Trials
Helen Heng-Shan Moon, MD
Hematologist/Oncologist Specializing in Immunotherapy
Kaiser Permanente (Riverside Medical Center)

9:50 AM PST

Wellness & Nutrition
Melanie Begian, Pharm D

10:10 AM PST

A Patient’s Journey
Chyrl L. Person, Melanoma Survivor

10:20 AM PST

Resources for Melanoma Patients
Samantha Guild
AIM at Melanoma Foundation

10:25 AM PST

Palliative Medicine in Melanoma
Lee-Ling Ong, DO
Geriatrics, Palliative, and Continuing Care
Kaiser Permanente Fontana

10:35 AM PST

Q&A with Panelists

10:55 AM PST

Wrap Up