Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania - Find a Melanoma Specialist

Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania - Find a Melanoma Specialist

Where Can I Find a Melanoma Specialist?

Doctors who specialize in melanoma are aware of the latest guidelines and treatments. Seeing a melanoma specialist is critically important so you can get the very best care. Many specialists have access to melanoma clinical trials,  which is especially important for late stage melanoma patients. AIM recommends seeing a melanoma specialist if you can.

Search for a Melanoma Specialist

Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania

Work 230 W. Washington Square, 2nd Floor Philadelphia PA 10106 United States Work Phone: 215-829-3000 Website: https://www.pennmedicine.org/cancer


Justine V Cohen, DO

Do You Have Questions About Melanoma?

Melissa Wilson, PA-C, MPAS


AIM at Melanoma is here to help. Our team includes a specialized physician assistant to help you navigate through the entire spectrum of care. Our melanoma medical expert can provide accurate answers to a wide range of melanoma questions on a confidential basis. You can reach our physician assistant here.