Air Care Alliance
A nationwide league of humanitarian flying organizations whose volunteer pilots are dedicated to community service. This site lists groups who volunteer to fly in support of health care initiatives, patient transport, disaster relief, environmental support, and other missions of public service.
Angel Wheels to Healing
Angel Wheels to Healing (formerly Angel Bus) is a non-profit charity, dedicated to providing non-emergency, long-distance ground transportation to financially disadvantaged, ambulatory patients who are traveling for treatment. A typical trip supported by Angel Wheels to Healing does not exceed 300 miles (one-way), and we do not normally handle trips within a local area or community. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis, routinely for cancer patients traveling daily for treatment.
Angel Flight, Inc. People Flying People in Need
12345 E. Skelly Drive
Tulsa, OK 74128
Phone: 918-749-8992
A non-profit organization of pilots and other volunteers dedicated to serving the community by arranging free private air transportation for medical patients who cannot afford to utilize normal, commercial transportation. Angel Flight also provides services to blood, organ and tissue banks. Angel Flight is a member of Air Care Alliance, a group of 37 organizations providing similar services throughout the United States. These groups are coordinated through a toll-free service (NPATH) that helps individuals in need find assistance in their area.
Angel Charity Network
(877) 621-7177
Provides access for people in need seeking free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations due to family, community or national crisis. This is a network of volunteer pilot organizations – nationwide.
Corporate Angel Network
Free flights for cancer patients and their families. Private jets used by corporations that have empty seats, free flights. No financial requirements.
Footprints in the Sky
7375 South Peoria Street Suite #209, B-10
Centennial, CO
303- 799-0461
A 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to providing flights to medical facilities throughout the United States for people in need of critical and life-saving medical care.
Lifeline Pilots
A private, non-profit organization that provides people in medical and financial distress with access to free air transportation on small (4-6 seat), private aircraft for health care and other compelling human needs. (Local flights.)
Mercy Medical Angels
The oldest and largest charitable medical air transportation non-profit in the United States. Free airline tickets for cancer patients and their escorts are available year around. (MMA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving people in situations of compelling human need through the provision of charitable air transportation. MMA is totally supported through charitable giving and the services of volunteer pilots and office assistants.
National Patient Air Transport Helpline (NPATH)
Provides information about all forms of charitable, long-distance medical air transportation. Will refer cancer patients to Mercy Medical Airlift for free tickets.