Hotlines and Forums
Patient Advocate Foundation
1-800-532-5274 (Mon.-Thurs., 8am-8pm; Fri., 8:30am-7pm EST)
Provides education and legal counseling to cancer patients (relative to a diagnosis) concerning managed care, discrimination, insurance and financial issues.
Hereditary Cancer Center
Creighton University School of Medicine
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
1-800-648-8133 (Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm CST)
Studies family-linked cancer. Counseling, information on clinical trials, cancer and hereditary factors.
Cancer Information Service
Sponsored by National Cancer Institute.
Provides information about cancer and cancer-related resources to patients, the public and health professionals. Offers one-on-one smoking cessation counseling and literature. Free publications.
Cancer Research Institute
1-800-992-2623 (Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm EST)
Provides general cancer resource information. Supports leading-edge research aimed at developing immunologic methods of preventing, treating and curing cancer.
Cancer Information and Counseling Line
(Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-5pm MST)
Provides current medical information and counseling for cancer issues.
Cancer Hope Network
1-877-467-3638 (Mon.-Fri., 9am-5:30pm EST)
One-on-one support offered to cancer patients and their families undergoing cancer treatment from trained volunteers who have survived cancer themselves.
BLOCH Cancer Hotline
Networks persons with cancer and home volunteers with same type of cancer. Free books about cancer.