Indoor Tanning Legislation 2017

Tanning Legislation in 2017

2017 State by State Comparison
Updated November 2017


2017 Indoor Tanning Legislation

HB 2194 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

HB 1280  Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices except when there is a valid prescription for a medical condition which includes the delineation of the amount of each tanning treatment necessary and the number of tanning treatments necessary.

AB 682

Among other things, requires licensing of facilities, training of operators, and inspections

SF 117 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

HF 111 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

HF 143 Prohibits minors under 17 from indoor tanning devices.

HF 395 Prohibits minors under 17 from indoor tanning devices.

SB 164 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

LD 889 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

HB 1097 Prohibits minors under 18 from tanning devices.

SB 2213 Prohibits minors under 18 from tanning devices.

SB 2606 Prohibits minors under 18 from tanning devices.

SB 133 Prohibits minors under 18 from tanning devices.

HB 478 Requires minors under 18 have in-person parental consent to use tanning devices. Parent must indicate the number of times, up to 12 times per year, that the minor may use a tanning device.

SB 133 Prohibits minors under 18 from tanning devices.

HB 478 Requires minors under 18 have in-person parental consent to use tanning devices. Parent must indicate the number of times, up to 12 times per year, that the minor may use a tanning device.

SB57  Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

SB250 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

A07218 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

SB5585 Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

HB 1756  Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

SB 765  Prohibits minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.

SB 765 signed into law: 5/2/17

Effective: 11/1/17

SB 672 Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices. Adult users would have to sign a consent form which includes the U.S. FDA warning about UV tanning risks.

HB 2520 Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices. Adult users would have to sign a consent form which includes the U.S. FDA warning about UV tanning risks.

HB 2520 signed into law: 4/26/17

Effective: 7/08/17


State Laws with Tanning Restriction for Minors

Law: Code of Alabama 1975 Section 22-17B-2

Age Restriction: Under 15, 15, 16-17

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 15 from using tanning devices unless prescribed by a physician. Requires 15-year-olds to provide parent/guardian in-person written consent and the parent/guardian is present at the facility during the use of the device. Requires 16 and 17-year-olds to provide parent/guardian in-person written consent.

Law: AZ Admin. Code R12-1-1414 A2

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors under 18.

Law: Ark. Stat. Ann. 20-27-2202

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors under 18.

Law: CA Bus. and Prof. Code 22706 (b) (3) and (4)

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

As of Jan. 1, 2012, CA was the first state in the nation to ban use of UV indoor tanning devices for ALL minors under 18.

Law: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 19a-232

Age Restriction: Under 17

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 17 from using tanning devices.

Law: Del. Code Ann. tit, 16 § 30D

Age Restriction:  Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: DC Act 20-549

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: FL Stat. Ann. § 381.89 (1998)

Age Restriction: Under 14; 14-18

Ban Details: Parents/guardians must accompany minors under 14 on all visits. Requires parent/guardian written consent for minors between 14-18.

Law: GA Code Ann. § 31-38-8 (2010)

Age Restriction: Under 14; 14-18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 14 from using tanning devices. Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors 14 years of age or over but under 18 years of age.

Law: HRS § 321-12.2

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: ID Code Section 18 – 1523

Age Restriction: Under 14; Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 14 from tanning devices. Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors 14 until 18.  Allows minors to use tanning devices when authorized by a physician’s prescription.

Law: IL Admin. Code  Title 77; Sec. 795.190 (c)

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: IN Code Ann. § 25-8-15.4-16

Age Restriction: Under 16; 16 and 17

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 16 from using tanning devices. Minors 16 and 17 require parent/guardian in-person written consent.

Law: Kan. Stat. Ann.  1931 (2016)

Age Restriction:  Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: KRS Chapter 217.922

Age Restriction: Under 14; 14-18

Ban Details: Parent/guardian must accompany children under the age of 14. Requires parent/guardian written consent for someone under 18.  The consent is valid for 1 calendar year.

Law: LA Rev. Stat. Ann. § 40:2707

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devic

Law: 10-144 Dept. of Human Services ch. 223 12A (3)(f)

Age Restriction: Under 14; Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 14 from using tanning devices. Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors 14 years of age and older. Valid for 1 year. Parent/guardian must accompany minors 14 and 15 years of age when tanning equipment in use.

Law: Md. Health Code Ann. § 20-106

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Parent/guardian must give in-person written consent for a minor to use tanning devices.

Law: MA Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 111 Public Health § 211

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibit minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: MI Comp. Laws Ann. § 333.13405

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Requires in-person consent for minors under 18. Valid for 1 year.

Law: MN Stat. Ann. § 325H.085

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: Miss Code Ann. § 41-115-1

Age Restriction: Under 14; Under 18

Ban Details: Parent/guardian must accompany minor under 14 during the entire time that the minor uses a tanning device at the tanning facility. Requires in-person written consent for minors under 18.  Valid for 1 year and must specify the number of sessions.

Law: RSMo Section 577.665.1

Age Restriction: Under 17

Ban Details:  Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent annually for minors under 17.

Law: NE Laws 2014, LB132, §4-6

Age Restriction: Under 16

Ban Details:  Requires minors under 16 be accompanied by a parent/guardian and the parent/guardian before each use provides in-person written consent.

Law: NRS 597.7617

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details:& Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: NH Rev. Stat. Ann. § tit. XXX 313-A:31

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details:  Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: NJ Rev. Stat. § C. 26:2D-82.1A2142/S1172 (2013); Gov’s statement

Age Restriction: Under 17; Under 18; under 14

Ban Details:  Prohibits minors under 17 from using tanning devices. 17 year olds must obtain parent/guardian written consent. Prohibits minors under 14 from using spray tan.

Law: NY Public Health Law Article 35-A ch. 3555

Age Restriction: under 17; under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 17 from using tanning devices. Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for 17 year olds.

Laws:  NC Gen. Stat.§ 104E-9.1   HB 158 / S.L. 2015-21 (= S125)

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: ND Cent. Code § Health and Safety Chapter 23-39

Age Restriction: Under 14; 14-18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 14 from using tanning devices without a physician’s written prescription. Parents/guardians must accompany minors under 14 on all visits. Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors under 18. Valid for 12 months.

Law: OH Admin. Code 4713-19-09 (B)

Age Restriction: Under 16; Under 18

Ban Details: Under 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian each time. Ages 16-17 requires in-person written consent for 90-days, but not for more than 45 visits.

SB 765

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Effective: 11/1/17

Law: OAR 333-119-0090 (2)

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices unless prescribed by a physician.

Law: 2014 Act No. 41

Age Restriction: Under 17; 17

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 17 from using tanning devices. Requires parent/guardian written consent for 17 year olds.

Law: Dept. of Health Rules and Regulations for the Registration of Tanning Facilities Part III; Sec. 9.5

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Requires minors under 18 present a written prescription by a licensed physician or, for every two visits, a parent/guardian provides in-person written consent acknowledging the risks. Infants and other minors are not allowed in the room with adults who are tanning.

Law: SC Code Ann. § ch. 61, sec. 106-3.7.1

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors under 18.

Law: TN Code Ann. § 68-117-104

Age Restriction: Under 14; 14-18

Ban Details: Parents/guardians of minor under 14 must accompany the child when device is in use. Minors under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian who signs a consent form or presents a notarized statement acknowledging the risks.

Law: TX Health and Safety Code Ann. § 145.008

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: UT Code Ann. § 26-15-13

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Parent/guardian must accompany minors under 18 at each visit. Prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from using a tanning device unless the minor (i) has a written order from a physician or (ii) at each time of use the minor is accompanied by a parent/guardian who provides written consent authorizing the minor to use the tanning device.

Law: Title 18 V.S.A. § 1513

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: VA Code § 59.1-310.3

Age Restriction: Under 15

Ban Details: Requires parent/guardian written consent for unemancipated minors under 15. Valid for 6 months.

Law: WA Title 18 RCW Business and Professions Chapter 18, 370

Age Restriction: Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices unless prescribed by a physician.

Law: W.V. Code Ann. §16-45-3

HB 2520

Age Restriction:  Under 18

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 18 from using tanning devices.

Law: WI Code Ann. § 463.25(9)(a)

Age Restriction: Under 16

Ban Details: Prohibits minors under 16 from using tanning devices.

Law: W.S. 14-3-108

Age Restriction: Under 15; 15-18

Ban Details: Requires parent/guardian accompany minor under 15 on all visits, sign in-person consent, and is present the entire time of use. Requires parent/guardian in-person written consent for minors age 15 to the age of majority. Consent is valid for 12 months.


Source: AIM at Melanoma and StateNet.
Note: List may not be comprehensive but is representative of the state laws that exist. AIM appreciates additions and corrections. Contact us at