Finding a Clinical Trial

How do you find a melanoma clinical trial?
In partnership with EmergingMed, AIM at Melanoma provides phone and web-based pre-screening, referral, and education services to patients, advocates, and healthcare professionals searching for appropriate melanoma clinical trials.
The service uses a questionnaire to compare a patient’s profile to the specific eligibility criteria of melanoma clinical trials in the area. You will be offered nationwide trial matches if no trial matches are found locally. During the initial call, a Clinical Trials Specialist will also provide basic clinical trials education and mail/email/fax trial matches to constituents who successfully match to one or more trials.
Register with our clinical trial service so you know all your options and can make informed decisions about your care.
Clinical Trials Navigators are available to speak with patients and caregivers Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Eastern Time at 866-603-4507 (toll-free).
All information is kept in the strictest confidentiality. You can also create a profile online at EmergingMed Matching Service.
Click the image below to find a melanoma clinical trial.