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Sketching Her Way Through Metastatic Melanoma

  By Alicia Rowell, Vice President, AIM at Melanoma Nearly every melanoma patient or survivor that AIM has met has a coping…
Blog - Melanoma360
Survivor Stories
Featured image for “Even America’s Heroes Get Melanoma”

Even America’s Heroes Get Melanoma

  Meet Army Reserve veteran Erin Ball, who served eight years, including a tour in Iraq in 2004.  She was…
Blog - Melanoma360
Survivor Stories
Featured image for “In Plain English…  The Excitement Surrounding Opdivo”

In Plain English… The Excitement Surrounding Opdivo

So the FDA granted regular approval to nivolumab (OPDIVO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company) for the adjuvant treatment of patients with melanoma…
Blog - Melanoma360
In Plain English
Featured image for “Melanoma Does Not Define Rebecca Berger”

Melanoma Does Not Define Rebecca Berger

  Rebecca Berger is a 27-year-old pediatric oncology nurse practitioner who has struggled with her own cancer.  Diagnosed with melanoma in 2013, she lives in…
Blog - Melanoma360
Survivor Stories
Featured image for “How Nikki Tichy Used Facebook To Raise Money, Increase Awareness, and Honor Her Friend”

How Nikki Tichy Used Facebook To Raise Money, Increase Awareness, and Honor Her Friend

The start of 2018 has not been easy for Nikki Tichy.  In January, Nikki lost her long-time friend, Darcy Newton, to melanoma.  Just…
Blog - Melanoma360
Friends, Family, & Caregivers
Featured image for “Melanoma By The State:  Minnesota”

Melanoma By The State: Minnesota

  Minnesota tops Midwest in melanoma incidences Minnesota has the third highest incidence rate of melanoma in the United States, tied with New…
Blog - Melanoma360
Melanoma by the State
Featured image for “Melanoma by the State:  Utah”

Melanoma by the State: Utah

  Utah has the unfortunate distinction of having the highest rate of melanoma in the nation—a rate more than double the national…
Blog - Melanoma360
Melanoma by the State

Sketching Her Way Through Metastatic Melanoma

  By Alicia Rowell, Vice President, AIM at Melanoma Nearly every melanoma patient or survivor that AIM has met has a coping…
Featured image for “Sketching Her Way Through Metastatic Melanoma”
Blog - Melanoma360
Survivor Stories

Even America’s Heroes Get Melanoma

  Meet Army Reserve veteran Erin Ball, who served eight years, including a tour in Iraq in 2004.  She was…
Featured image for “Even America’s Heroes Get Melanoma”
Blog - Melanoma360
Survivor Stories

In Plain English… The Excitement Surrounding Opdivo

So the FDA granted regular approval to nivolumab (OPDIVO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company) for the adjuvant treatment of patients with melanoma…
Featured image for “In Plain English…  The Excitement Surrounding Opdivo”
Blog - Melanoma360
In Plain English

Melanoma Does Not Define Rebecca Berger

  Rebecca Berger is a 27-year-old pediatric oncology nurse practitioner who has struggled with her own cancer.  Diagnosed with melanoma in 2013, she lives in…
Featured image for “Melanoma Does Not Define Rebecca Berger”
Blog - Melanoma360
Survivor Stories

How Nikki Tichy Used Facebook To Raise Money, Increase Awareness, and Honor Her Friend

The start of 2018 has not been easy for Nikki Tichy.  In January, Nikki lost her long-time friend, Darcy Newton, to melanoma.  Just…
Featured image for “How Nikki Tichy Used Facebook To Raise Money, Increase Awareness, and Honor Her Friend”
Blog - Melanoma360
Friends, Family, & Caregivers

Melanoma By The State: Minnesota

  Minnesota tops Midwest in melanoma incidences Minnesota has the third highest incidence rate of melanoma in the United States, tied with New…
Featured image for “Melanoma By The State:  Minnesota”
Blog - Melanoma360
Melanoma by the State

Melanoma by the State: Utah

  Utah has the unfortunate distinction of having the highest rate of melanoma in the nation—a rate more than double the national…
Featured image for “Melanoma by the State:  Utah”
Blog - Melanoma360
Melanoma by the State