AIM’s Steps Against Melanoma Walks Go Virtual

AIM’s Steps Against Melanoma walks have been a symbol of hope and support for our community for many years. We have walked in rain, wind, sleet, and sunshine, always with the same goal in mind: to fund lifesaving melanoma research.
While much remains unknown about the COVID-19 virus, we do know that community gatherings are not recommended in many cities across the U.S. We also recognize that many of our participants and their families are some of the most vulnerable to this virus.
The health and well-being of event participants, volunteers, staff, and the melanoma community are AIM’s top priority, so we are turning most of our community walks into virtual walks (a few will be postponed). Registration is free for all virtual walks, and all registered melanoma survivors will receive a complimentary Melanoma Warrior t-shirt. Thank you to all of our walk coordinators, sponsors, and participants who have been so flexible in this transition to the virtual format. We hope that each Steps Against Melanoma walk across the country is equally or more successful in a virtual format than in person!
There are community virtual walks in more than 15 cities across the U.S. in the next six months. Is there one near you? Take a look at our list of walks to find out. Please participate! Join others in your community in a virtual event! You can walk wherever you want and whenever you want to raise money for melanoma research and raise awareness of this deadly disease.
We also have added a global virtual walk to our schedule, set for Halloween—October 31, 2020. Look for signup information soon!
Remember—anyone, anywhere can walk in our global virtual walk or any of our community walks.
To those who are able to continue financially supporting AIM Walks in the coming months, thank you. Your funds are an important part of our quest for the cure.
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