Cory Schroeder, Stage IV

Diagnosed: 6/2014

Hi all.
I quit drinking alcohol in 2012 and lost 35lbs. I had no fat, no insulation.
During an ER visit on 6/14 for shortness of breath. An enlarged lymph node was discovered on a CT scan.

I returned a few days later for a biopsy and was diagnosed, stage 4 melanoma with BRAF+ gene. What!! Not lung, not liver, I was surprised. Skin cancer and no primary…
After meeting with the oncologist it was determined no typical treatment is available. Only a clinical trial for a new drug.
I lost my wife to lung cancer after a 3 year battle.Chemo side effects were terrible for her and she was never out of pain.
Being 71, I opted not to do the trial,just to follow up with a PET scan 4-6 months. Quality vs quantity.
I decided to try canibis oil,1/3gm daily.At 18 months there are no new growths. I remain pain free and the best BMs ever. I got a cold due to lack of fat. So if you have some fat, be happy you are warm.

While this is my option, being 71, I wish everyone the best for the challenges that come and make each day count.
God Bless,