Since 2005, AIM has worked with state officials, politicians, and lobbyists across the country to pass indoor tanning legislation in each state. Our efforts have led to 19 states and the District of Columbia passing some form of an under 18 indoor tanning ban to protect our youth from harmful UV rays emitted by tanning devices. To find out how you can help, email Samantha Guild, Director of Education, Public Policy, and Advocacy at
2019 State by State Comparison
Would prohibit minors under 21 from indoor tanning devices.
Would prohibit minors under 16 from indoor tanning devices. Requires parental consent for 16 and 17 year olds.
Would prohibit minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices. Requires signed consent form by customers before initial use and each year thereafter. Provides for operator training and oversight.
Would prohibit minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices. Requires signed consent form by customers before initial use and each year thereafter.
Would prohibit minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices. Requires signed consent form by customers before initial use and each year thereafter. Provides for operator training and oversight.
Would prohibit minors under 18 from indoor tanning devices.
Source: AIM at Melanoma, StateNet, and NCSL, 2006-2008
Note: List may not be comprehensive but is representative of the state laws that exist. AIM appreciates additions and corrections. Contact us at